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Assisting your practice to improve patient outcomes.

We perform total body imaging of your patients’ skin in order to provide your practice with a fully documented baseline of your patients’ skin health and wellbeing. Our AI supported algorithms track and monitor the potential detection of disease by alerting you to changes that have occurred. Our goals are aligned with yours in helping to save your patients’ lives.

Reasons to refer patients to the MoleSafe® Melanoma & Skin Cancer Detection Program

  • Our services are part of creating an enhanced comprehensive examination process and not a replacement for physical examination.
  • We are an imaging center that will return to you “all of your patients”. We will refer to you patients that do not have their own healthcare provider, we are not your competitor!
  • We recommend that all of your patients have a baseline full body imaging annually to help provide early detection and improve survival rates. If a family history presents or suspicious lesions are identified, we recommend more regular follow-ups to put both you and your patients at ease.
  • Grow your practice by offering more billable services. The reading and submitting of images are part of the reimbursable healthcare process.
  • Have peace of mind by decreasing your medical legal liabilty with quicker and more thorough charting.
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Three reasons to refer patients to the MoleSafe Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection Program:
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99% Skin Coverage

Our program covers 97% of the patient’s skin surface, providing a comprehensive, digital map to measure against year after year.
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A Better Tool

Significantly more effective than a naked-eye examination, our high-resolution, digital dermoscopic imaging facilitates the diagnostic process, reducing the need for scarring biopsies.
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Cost & Time Effective

The gold standard in digital mapping, our program provides your practice with an immediate and invaluable resource at no cost to you.

Working with MolesSafe® is easy for healthcare providers and patients.

The MoleSafe® Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection Program is a proactive, full-body mapping system that detects melanoma and skin cancer as early—and successfully—as possible.
MoleSafe® is trusted by dermatologists and practitioners around the globe.

"I am committed to providing my patients with the most advanced and comprehensive skin surveillance possible. The Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection Program is the tool that every dermatologist and general practitioner needs. With its imaging, I am more confident in my diagnoses and ability to save lives."

Dr. Alex Doctoroff, Metropolitan Dermatology

MoleSafe® makes it fast and easy for you to review patient results.

The MoleSafe® Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection Program is a proactive, full-body mapping system that detects melanoma and skin cancer as early—and successfully—as possible.

MoleSafe® is a useful diagnostic aid in the detection of skin related diseases.

MoleSafe® provides you and your physician with high-resolution, dermoscopic digital imaging. The digital images can be used to track and surveil lesions of concern for your doctor to more thoroughly monitor over regular intervals of time. MoleSafe® alone, without a physical examination by your physician, does not constitute a comprehensive evaluation. After MoleSafe® imaging, there may be underlying skin related disease that goes undetected. MoleSafe® is not a substitute for clinical examination.
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Assisting your practice to improve patient outcomes

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Support Yourself With Intelligent Tools
Organize a patient's spots on their personal 3D body map. Easily view and navigate different spots
Match moles from different imaging sessions & see how it changes over time. Powered by AI.
Template-Guided Imaging
Use the ‘ghost’ template to ensure each image is just like the last and minimize differences
Faster Imaging:
Traditional machines can take cp to hours to complete, but MoleSafe only
needs 10-30 minutes!
Smart Documentation:
MoleSafe saves you time by analyzing the photo taken to suggest which existing spot profile it belongs to.
Multiple-User Friendly:
MoleSafe allows for multiple users at the same time. unlike traditional machines, This enables you to see more patients at once.

Save Time. Save Costs.
Save Lives.